Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week in Review 5/13 - 5/17

We've been busy this week but I don't have many photos to share. We spent a lot of time working on our non-fiction plant books. Here Kevin holds up his glossary.

Mr. Finn and Ms. Heyward stopped in and Quion was recognized for improvement and Kristina for good sportsmanship.

We also created a simple ladybug project to decorate our room and practice our addition sentences. 

Week in Review 5/6 - 5/10

We decorated cups to transplant our marigolds in for Mother's Day. We also worked on cards.

The cups involved painting glue and sticking tissue paper so it was a bit messy but they had fun and were very proud to have a gift.

Mr. Finn and Ms. Heyward came around with the treasure box again. Tanea received a prize for her excellent transitions.

When we got to the library we started off with an educational video about trees but the kids were much more interested in reading than watching TV. If kids are going to beg me to turn the TV off so they can read how can I say no.

I really love our trips to the library because the kids are not just flipping through books but each one is reading. They are learning to find a book that is right for them and when they like a book that is a bit hard they go to a friend or teacher for help so they can read together.

After we were at the library we explored the area looking at all the blossoms that had fallen.

We put some beans in plastic bags with water to explore more about plant growth.

During Playworks Coach Crutch encouraged teamwork with a game of pattern memorizing and a game where partners had to work together to stand up without using their arms. 

On Monday Keilani shared about a fun weekend adventure to dinosaur day at the Newark museum.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week in Review 4/29 - 5/3

We have been learning a lot about plants in preparation for writing our very own non-fiction book about plants. Here we brainstorm questions to ask in our book.

Each week there are special awards given out in each classroom for specific positive behavior. In this picture Quion chooses from the treasure box for showing support for his fellow classmates.

We work in our math journals almost daily. Ms. Pitre shares prompts that allow students to practice new skills and review old skills.

We once again visited the library. This time we learned how to pick books off the shelf and put them back. We were able to read a variety of books depending on our interest.

On our short walk back to the school we stopped to look at the blossoms that were falling from the trees.