Friday, January 11, 2013

Week in Review 1/7 - 1/11

We had another awesome week in Kindergarten. Of course the most exciting event was the field trip and you can see pictures in the previous post. 

We talked about our life skill of respect and you can see Kaden demonstrating respect by sitting in learner's position and Angel by raising his hand.

We were tested for Marking Period 2 words and some new Word Masters were declared. Tanea, Samad, and Jhanii are MP2 Word Masters!

Tytianna, Destony, and Adriana are MP2 Word Masters!

Chinua, Latasha, and Se'Jeida are Word Masters!

We also did an experiment to understand how blubber helps Arctic and Antarctic ocean animals stay warm.

We talked about how whales, seals and walruses have blubber to stay warm. We tried this out by sticking our hand in a 'blubber glove' made from Crisco and Ziploc bags.

Our hands were warm despite the freezing ice water.

We also got to celebrate the boy's basketball team championship in a pep rally.

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